本帖最后由 CONEJO 于 2011-3-10 22:37 编辑
How do I qualify to travel to the UK as a visitor? 作为一个“合格”的旅游访问者,所需出示或表明:
In general, you must show that:
- you want to visit the UK for no more than six months; 你去英国访问不超过6个月
- you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit, and 最终你必须离开英国
- you have enough money to support yourself and live in the UK without working or needing help from public funds.
General visitors: Visiting family, friends or as a tourist 针对所有旅游者:作为访问者去探亲,访友
If you want to visit family or friends in the UK or to come as a tourist you should apply as a general visitor. To visit the UK in this capacity you must be able to show that:如果你去英国探亲或是访友,你应该申请GENERAL VISITOR。去英国,你应该有能力出示或表明:
- you intend to visit the UK for no more than six months; 你去英国访问不超过6个月
- you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit, and 你最后要离开英国
- you have enough money to support yourself and live in the UK without working or needing any help from public funds. 你要有足够的钱经济证明去支持你自己在英国期间的访问,不需要任何英国的外堺资助或是工作。
What supporting documents should I include with my application? 哪些文件需要随申请表格一起提交?
You should include all the documents you can to show that you qualify for entry to the UK as a visitor. If you do not, we may refuse your application.
As a guide, you should include: 你应该提供:
bank statements, payslips, or some other evidence to show that you can pay for the trip and that you have enough money to support yourself and any dependants without working or getting any help from public funds, and 银行存款证明,工资单,或其他相关证据可以证明你能支付你的旅行开销和你有足够的钱不需要通过外堺的援助
- evidence that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit (for example, a letter from your employer).
If you are visiting family or friends you will need: 如果你是探亲或是访友
- a letter from your sponsor (the person you are visiting) explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit, 英国方面的邀请函,内容要涉及到邀请人和你的关系和你的访友计划比如你将在英国干什么
- And a copy of the bio-data page (the page containing their photograph) of their UK passport or, if they are not a UK national, evidence of their immigration status in the United Kingdom.邀请人是英国公民,需要护照封面的复印件(有照片的那页),如果对方不是英国公民,请出示任何他在英国的居留证明 。
If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit, or paying for the cost of the visit, you will need:如果你的邀请人将 担保你在英国期间的费用,你将需要
- payslips, bank statements, or some other evidence to show that they have enough money to support you.任何银行存款证明或是经济收入证明来保证你在英国逗留期间的费用。
We will refuse your application if we find that any documents are false. 如果我们发现你提供的不是真实的资料或是证明,我们将有权拒绝你的申请。
Appeal rights vary for different categories of visitor. If you have a right of appeal against the decision to refuse your visa you will be given a form on which to do so. 如果被拒,你有权利申诉,我们将附带一张申诉表格请你填写。
在西班牙申请,你要本人亲自去马德里递交签证材料, 并且要提前预约递交日期CITA,
所以 当你在线填写完所有申请表格内容后,才会出现预约CITA的对话框,让你选择想要递交的日期,
这个是 如何申请所有类型VISADO的综合解释 链接
左边的框框里都具体写了某种签证的要求和条件,大家要仔细看清楚。在线申请表格,只有英文版的,所以要填写的时候简单扼要,如实回答问题即可. 填写时,有问题,请发问在此贴里问.如他人碰到同样问题,可以参考借鉴.
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[ 本帖最后由 CONEJO 于 2009-4-29 12:22 编辑 ] |