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发表于 2013-6-9 20:00:22 该贴发自手机用户 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 卫斯理 于 2013-6-9 21:16 编辑

中国国家媒体周一报道,中国将在本月中旬发射其下一个载人火箭,把三名宇航员送入一个太空舱,这是其雄心勃勃的太空站建造计划的最新进展。   神舟10号飞船和火箭已经运到一个在沙漠戈壁中偏远地的发射场,新华社官方报道。   一旦进入轨道,神舟10号将与上个月准确进入轨道位置的天宫1号连接起来。   中国宇航员已在去年六月首次完成载人交会对接。  
 Rendezvous and docking exercises between the two vessels are an important hurdle in China's efforts to acquire the technological and logistical skills to run a full space lab that can house astronauts for long periods.  China is still far from catching up with the established space superpowers, the United States and Russia. The Tiangong 1 is a trial module, not the building block of a space station.   
两空间器间的交会对接操作,是中国努力获取技术和后勤能力来运行一个可容纳宇航员长期生存的完整空间实验室的重要障碍。   中国仍还远远没有赶上另两个太空超级大国,美国和俄罗斯。天宫一号只是一个试验舱,并不是空间站的组件。
  But this summer's mission will be the latest show of China's growing prowess in space and comes while budget restraints and shifting priorities have held back U.S. manned space launches.  It will be China's fifth manned space mission since 2003 when astronaut Yang Liwei became the country's first person in orbit.   China also plans an unmanned moon landing and deployment of a moon rover. Scientists have raised the possibility of sending a man to the moon, but not before 2020.   While Beijing insists its space program is for peaceful purposes, a Pentagon report last month highlighted China's increasing space capabilities and said Beijing was pursuing a variety of activities aimed at preventing its adversaries from using space-based assets during a crisis. 
 但今夏的任务将成为中国太空实力不断增强的最新展示,而同时期,紧缩的预算与工作重点的转移已经放缓了美国载人航天发射。   这将是自2003年航天员杨利伟成为中国首位宇航员以来,中国第五次实施载人航天任务。   中国还计划无人登月并部署一个月球车。科学家们还提出了载人登月的可能性,但要在2020年后了。   然而北京则坚称其太空计划是出于和平目的,五角大楼上个月的报告强调了中国增长的空间能力,并说北京从事的各项动作旨在危机时期防止对手使用天基资源。  看看美国网民的惊人评论   当中国人在建设他们的军队、经济和太空的时候,我们却在打无用的战争,醒醒吧,总统先生,还有国会。  
 Most comments here are exemplary of today's state of ignorance among Americans. The Chinese are placing special emphasis on STEM while we encourage our kids to pursue useless hobbies as their careers. Those who deride China's space efforts are simply severely shortsighted: their current accelerating pace of development in space capabilities positions them to accomplish in 10 years what it took us over 50 years. Where do we go from there? We are already leasing their GPS satellite to coordinate our military efforts in Africa. We are committing the same mistake the Chinese dynasties committed by ridiculing supposedly"inferior"civilizations, until one day we are the ones looking up, while wondering just how we lost the race. 
、 这里大部分的评论都是今日美国人中无知状态的典范,中国人注重科学、技术、工程和数学,而我们却鼓励我们的孩子去追求无用的爱好作为他们的事业。那些嘲笑中国太空努力的都是严重短视的家伙。他们当前不断加快步伐的空间技术,使他们在10年内就做到我们花了50年时间的事。我们该何去何从?我们现在都租用他们的GPS卫星来协调我们在非洲的军事行动。我们也正在犯中国历朝历代都犯的错误,嘲笑所谓的“劣等人”,直到有一天我们变成那个一直弄不懂我们怎么输掉比赛的人。  
 In the US, we have deployed 10 different prime time television shows devoted to determining who can sing, dance, and cook the best. Take that China!  
在美国,我们已经部署了10台不同的黄金时段节目,以致力于决定谁可以唱歌、跳舞、谁煮的东西最好。接招吧,中国!   Remember when we had a space program and direction ?   Now we have a totally disfunctional government, idiotic reality shows, fat,lazy kids that live in moms basement playing video games all day, no direction and no space program  
 谁还记得我们有空间计划和方向是什么时候了?,  现在我们有一个废物正攵府,有愚蠢的真人秀节目,还有整天在(我说粗话我该死)地下室玩视频游戏的又胖又懒的孩子,没有方向,没有太空计划。  
 "China is still far from catching up with the established space superpowers, the United States and Russia."  Wake up AMERICA... this is Bullchit!!! They have already surpassed us. They have working manned space program and a vehicle to get into space. We are bumming rides with the Russians.
  “中国仍还远远没有赶上另两个太空超级大国,美国和俄罗斯。”   醒醒吧,美国... 这话纯属废话!!他们已经超过了我们。他们已经把载人空间器和运载工具发射入太空。我们和俄国人还在等搭便车。  
 China should be able to replicate the work the Soviets did with the Mir space station during the late-'80's/early-90's far more easily than our overly-complicated ISS. Then the Moon will be their next stop.   The reality is that they are sweeping us by simply being more simple and straight forward about everything. Rather than over-engineering everything to death, they are going for simplicity, and getting results. In contrast, we have favored grandoise designs like the space shuttles and the ISS, which are engineering marvels, but so costly and difficult to operate that we stall our own forward progress just paying the bills. The shuttle program never even came close to reaching projected cost reductions over time, and in fact proved many times more expensive than original plans expected. 
 相比我们过于复杂的国际空间站,中国复制苏联80年代晚期到90年代早期在米尔空间站上做过的事能更容易的多。而且月球会是他们的下一站。   事实上,他们正用更简单和直截了当的处理方式搞定我们。而非过分设计每件事物,他们直接并取得成效。与此相反,我们亲睐浮夸的设计,例如航天飞机和国际空间站,它们虽是工程奇迹,却太昂贵,难以操作,这些拖缓了我们的进度,花了钱。随着时间,航天飞机计划甚至从来没有达到预期的成本减少,事实上多次被证明比原计划贵得多。
Say what you want, China is putting people into space, while the US has to hitch a ride with the Russians. This does not sound like"Super Power"to me 
at least they are doing something besides standing around with their fingers up their butts like we are doing  
Remember the glory days when the US has the capability to send people into space?  
 The US and Russia are using two different approaches to enter the space. It turns out the space shuttle is not so reliable and it is much more expensive than space capsule. China is obviously following Russia's direction. 
  I keep wishing we and the other participants in the ISS would invite China to take part  
 it seems that the success rate is pretty good.  
US thought exclude China out of the international space station, China won't be able to send man mission into space on their own, now they on the verge of completing their own space station in about 5 yrs.  
 If you don't learn from history you will repeat it, The Chinese have not been pulling their puds for the last 5000 years. These are determined people and anybody who minimize their capability's is a fool . they have done what Hitler and the Soviet Union could not do, they own us and they never fired a shot, if they want to they can make the Dollar worth nothing. What we did to the Soviets was bankrupt them that's how we won the cold war . If we don't smarten up and take care of our country and get our nose out of everybody else's business we will be at the end of the line. 
 China wants its own spy lab  
  I may not like China but they have the wisdom do what is important for China, soon they will have control of space and you will have to pay them for travelling as a space tourist.  
我可能不喜欢中国,但他们有智慧去做对中国来说重要的事,很快他们将控制太空,当你想太空旅行时,你不得不付钱给他们   。  
 Thanks Obama, because of you, we can't get a man into space without a commie ride  
  While we spend our money funding Islamic Jihadists (See Syria and Libya) China spends their money on Science, engineering and space exploration  
 Remember when the USA was #1 in Space. America is on the downside for sure.  
 Our -315 BILLION"free"trade driven yearly trade deficit with China being put to good use. If we had TARIFFS, we wo
uld be colonizing Mars by now.  
 I'm outraged tat our current POTUS stopped all human flights, and we have to pay Russia to get to the station. China never signed the treaty, so they can claim the moon for their own.   This POTUS is one of the most scientific and technological fools we have ever elected!
  我对我们现任美国总统停飞所有载人飞行感到愤怒,这让我们要付钱给俄罗斯才能到达空间站。中国从没签署那个条约(译注:太空非军事化条约?我也不知道,有兴趣可以自己查查怎么回事),所以他们可以声称月球归他们所有。  这个美国总统是我们选举过的最科学的、最有技术的蠢货之一!  
 This is embarrassing that China can put men into space and we can't  
 When was the last time China spent trillions on war?  
Get ready to learn Chinese, they will soon rule the Earth. They have many good ideas, number one is population control. Pay attention, Catholic Church.  

  The great thieves of the world unveil more stolen technology.
  The space shuttle program was a waste. Private space exploration is the way to go.
  They better be careful! If they look too far back in time, they just might discover how they transformed one of the most incredible civilizations on earth into the communistic #% they are today!!  他们最好小心点,如果他们看得太远,让时光倒流了,他们就可能会发现他们是怎么从一个地球上最难以置信的文明变成今日的贡浐主乂的

  "Hi. This is the ISS. We need one mu-gu-gai-pan, one Sezhuan beef, some General Tso's chicken, and three egg rolls. No, four egg rolls."
  I would be curious to know how much of the technology incorporated into the Chinese space program was stolen from the US.  我很想知道有多少被纳入中国空间计划的技术是从美国偷来的。

  Meanwhile, back in America (insert cricket chirping noise here)
  “preventing its adversaries from using space-based assets during a crisis.”
  another great step to prevent america use their bomb to kill innocent people around the world.  “在危机时期防止对手使用太空资源”

  I wish them a safe and sucessfull mission.Good luck.
  sooner, china will claim half of the moon . . . historically . . . Undisputed
  The U.S. has 64 GPS Satellites, the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes, Voyager 1 and 2 at the edge of our solar system, Spirit&Opportunity and Curiosity on Mars, Cassini orbiting Saturn, Juno orbiting Jupiter, and the list goes on and on...  美国有64个GPS卫星,有哈勃和史匹哲太空望远镜,旅行者1号和2号在我们太阳系边缘,勇气号和机遇号及好奇号探测器在火星上,卡西尼绕行土星,朱诺号绕行木星,还有很多很多...

  They downloaded the plans.
  We have the Kardashians and Flavor Flav… "TAKE THAT CHINA!"
  我们有卡戴珊和Flavor Flav… “接招吧,中国!
  Oh no. They'll probably harass American astronauts up there  Oh no..他们可能会骚扰在那的美国宇航员

 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-9 20:08:50 该贴发自手机用户 | 显示全部楼层
我想这一次神舟10号发射后 那些JYGZ什么的又要开始喷了 所以咱还是先发一下美国人的言论 到时候大家可以做一下对比
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发表于 2013-6-9 20:51:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-6-9 21:03:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-6-9 21:06:30 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵   美国人也是有很多屌丝啊
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发表于 2013-6-9 21:14:26 | 显示全部楼层
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