Modalities of register:
1. If you are in Madrid, after getting the corresponding form in the Secretariat of the Courses, you will have to pay the amount of the matriculation in the bank Caja Madrid that is indicated.
2. If you are not in Madrid, you will have to pay the amount of the matriculation by a bank transfer to Cursos de Espa?ol para Extranjeros Cursos Interfacultativos Universidad Complutense (indicating the name of the course in which you register) to the account of the bank Caja Madrid. ES73 2038 5837 91 6000613253 Code BIC : CAHMESMMXXX and you will have to send the voucher of the payment to the Secretariat of the Courses of Spanish for Foreigners. By fax to: +34.913.945.336 or by post.
Six photograps and a photocopy of the passport are required upon registration .