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发表于 2008-9-16 16:50:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




发表于 2008-9-16 18:58:09 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵,美联储已经把两房搞定了。已经体力透支了。good money after bad。 他们可能会有些顾虑吧。他们一向标榜自己是自由市场,干预两房已经和自己的标准相背了。
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发表于 2008-9-16 20:22:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-17 00:40:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-17 00:43:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-9-17 12:42:30 | 显示全部楼层
美联储上次担保美林就被美国大叔们骂死了, 说是用纳税人的钱救私人企业,所以这次不敢管了, 另一方面,也管不了了,刚出了钱收两房,后面还有N个跟莱曼,美林一样病重的公司等着救济, 能力有限,美联储只好收手, 让其自生自灭了
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发表于 2008-9-20 15:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
這很正常,LEHMAN BROTHER倒下了最多是一個公司,不能和FNM和FRE比,這關係到整個美國的金融和房地產,就像AIG一樣,政府必須要救,不救不是倒下全球最大的保險公司,而是整個全球經濟徹底垮掉,再加之在美國乃至歐洲如果政府出手救一個公司,後果會相當嚴重一定會招來一片唾駡,只有像AIG,FNM和FRE這樣的公司關係到整個美國經融體系的公司,大家才會睜隻眼閉隻眼,最重要的是這次的救市是有史以來最大的一次,所以接下來的這段時間,特別是10月2號到美國大選前,大家可以好好把握機會,我個人比較看好AIG,星期一3點半開盤的時候AIG應該會有跌幅,這是買入的好機會,然後會上漲,大家隨意。。。這只是個人看法,大家還是自己好好考慮心中的想法,最近要注意的有MS,C,FRE,FNM,WB,WM,GS,AIG,BAC,大家一定奇怪怎麽都是經融股,拜托現在不炒這更待何時阿,總之一句話跌的時候買,升的時候賣,不要貪心,不要心急,這才是要點,祝大家好運

[ 本帖最后由 iberiat4 于 2008-9-20 16:43 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-9-20 16:54:31 | 显示全部楼层

Congress Promises to Move Fast On Toxic-Debt Cleanup

Congress Promises to Move Fast On Toxic-Debt Cleanup
The U.S. government is preparing to mop up hundreds of billions of dollars in bad mortgage debt, after curbing short-selling and guaranteeing mutual funds in an effort to stabilize financial markets.  

The moves cap a week in which financial markets faced their most serious confluence of crises since the Great Depression in the 1930s and threatened national economies and the worldwide banking system.

Read a Draft of the Treasury's Proposal"It's like having a heart attack, and you go and get your chest cracked open and get it fixed, but the next morning you're still hurting," said Warren Simpson, managing director at Stephens Capital Management in Little Rock, Arkansas. "This has been a beast of biblical proportions. Nobody has seen anything like it."
Lawmakers promised fast action on the toxic-debt plan, which two banking industry sources put in the $500 billion to $800 billion range. A Treasury spokeswoman declined comment.

As the government brought out the big guns to tackle the financial crisis, investment bank Morgan Stanley [MS  27.21    4.66  (+20.67%)   ] bought itself some time to come up with a plan for its future and talked to Wachovia [WB  18.75    4.25  (+29.31%)   ] and other banks about a merger.

On Saturday, a U.S. bankruptcy judge approved British bank Barclays deal to purchase the core U.S. business of Lehman Brothers Holdings [LEH  0.2151    0.1631  (+313.65%)   ].

But much of the markets' focus was on Washington, as officials from President George W Bush's administration, Congress and the Federal Reserve worked to craft a number of plans to restore confidence in shaken stock markets.

The U.S. government has pledged more than $1 trillion to prop up the financial system and housing market.

The U.S. Treasury said on Friday it would use $50 billion to back money-market mutual funds whose asset values fall below $1.

Slideshow: The Credit Crisis So Far
"The problems were critical, both in the credit markets and with banks," said Blake Howells, director of equity research at Becker Capital Management in Portland, Oregon. "The government is trying to stop a domino effect of more institutions failing, and taking others down."

U.S. stocks soared as the Dow Jones industrial average closed up 368.8 points, or 3.4 percent, at 11,388.4, and the Nasdaq rose 74.8, or 3.4 percent, to 2,273.9. Other global markets also reacted sharply.

Government officials said they had more work to do.

"We must now take further, decisive action to fundamentally and comprehensively address the root cause of our financial system's stresses," Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said. "The federal government must implement a program to remove these illiquid assets that are weighing down our financial institutions and threatening our economy."

Banks worldwide have suffered more than $500 billion of write-downs and loan losses since the global credit crisis began more than a year ago.

The crisis grew more acute this month with government takeovers of mortgage companies Fannie Mae [FNM  0.69  ---  UNCH  (0)   ] and Freddie Mac [FRE  0.55  ---  UNCH  (0)   ]; the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings; Merrill Lynch's [MER  29.50    7.44  (+33.73%)   ] shot-gun agreement to be bought by Bank of America [BAC  37.48    6.90  (+22.56%)   ]; and a bailout of insurer AIG [AIG  3.85    1.16  (+43.12%)   ]. This came just six months after a government-backed rescue of Bear Stearns Cos.

Government officials have indicated their willingness to do what they can to prevent a major financial institution from going under and roiling the overall markets. A government plan was expected to be sent to Congress this weekend.

"They are absolutely petrified of just a run on financial assets and they came very close to that on Thursday," said Boris Schlossberg, director of currency research at GFT Forex in New York. "At this point they have just decided that fiscal responsibility goes out the door."

The banking issues are not limited to the United States.

UK lender HSBC Holdings walked away from a $6.3 billion deal for control of Korea Exchange Bank, fuelling speculation it may be turning its attentions to its embattled rivals in the West.

After Britain's Financial Services Authority (FSA) imposed a four-month ban on short-selling financial stocks on Thursday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission followed suit on Friday with an immediate 10-day ban.

The world's central banks also redoubled their efforts to lubricate the seized-up money markets. Japan, Australia, India and Indonesia pumped in $42 billion after the U.S. Fed coordinated a $180 billion package a day earlier.
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