1.官硕,西班牙应该叫offica master of......参照UAB给我的说法,就是有3种,我就不翻译了,直接贴过来,省的别人说我不专业。
a) UAB master's degrees: those coordinated and managed by the UAB only.
b) Interuniversity master's degrees: those coordinated by the UAB and other Spanish universities.
c) Erasmus Mundus master's degrees: those coordinated by the UAB and other universities around the world.
Professional: practical training for employment. 以后工作用
Research: promoting initiation in research activities. These are followed by doctorates. 读博士用
Academic: practical training for employment and training for research. 读博士用
Combined: master's degrees with more than one specialisation. 工作用
还有个关于学分转换的,也是UAB给的,我不翻译了 25小时课时等于1ECTS吧。
ECTS, the European credits
The European Credit Transfer System is the standard adopted by all European Higher Education Area universities to guarantee harmonisation and quality.
Under the old system, credits were calculated based on the number of hours of lectures, but under the ECTS system, credits are calculated based on all the work of the student (lectures, study time, assignments and projects). One ECTS credit is equivalent to 25 hours of academic work.
An academic year is worth 60 credits, provided that the student is studying full time.
博士和硕士的区别: 因为现在新的官硕还不太完善,说一还提供博士学习。
Master's degrees are becoming the normal route for admission to doctoral programmes. For admission to a doctoral programme, you will need to hold a master's degree or have passed 60 credits in official postgraduate programmes. You must have completed a minimum of 300 credits, whether in undergraduate or postgraduate studies, to take a doctoral programme.
Those who complete an official master's degree - normally with a research specialisation - can take a doctorate, which includes writing and presenting a doctoral thesis as an original research project. It is advisable in any case to check whether the doctoral programme you are interested in can be accessed via an official master?s degree.
While the new, official master's degrees have not been fully implemented, universities will continue offering the current doctoral studies, for which the conditions remain the same as before
好了,就到这里,以后等我差不多完了后,再发几个关于语言学校,硕士,城市的吧! |