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ios系统 全球发送短信彩信之免费篇

发表于 2010-12-15 15:28:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 我就是害虫 于 2010-12-15 14:29 编辑

现在的智能手机功能是越来越强大 也不仅仅只限于通话 更是玩游戏办公远程等等.
在这里也推荐几款免费的软件 用于电脑对IPHONE手机 IPAD 等ios系统 发送短信及彩信 IOS对IOS发送短信及彩信 以及IOS系统对安桌系统的免费短信彩信.

推荐不分前后左右忠奸 选你自己认为合适自己的用就可以了

软件一:Bump 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 内容提要
与iPhone、iPod touch、iPad和许多其他手机相互碰接。仅需互联网连接(WiFi或蜂窝网络)

本人评测:软件非常不错 能即时收发短信 图片 音乐的话只能传歌名并不是真正意义上的把音乐文件传给对方 还能共享自己在所在地 他还有安桌的客户端 应该可以能与安桌的用户发送短信以及照片等等 但本人测试要互加好友 要先碰一下手

下载链接 http://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/bump/id305479724?mt=8


3.jpg 内容提要

PingChat! is the ultimate way to communicate with all of your friends, whether they use an iDevice, Android or BlackBerry. PingChat! provides free, unlimited, cross-platform, smartphone-to-smartphone messaging, with real-time conversations, group chat, media sharing, and much more. Simply create a Ping! ID, share your ID with all your friends, and start Pinging!

PingChat! works with Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. That means regardless of what smartphone your friends have you will be able to connect with ALL of your friends!

PingChat! gives you THE BEST SPEED AND RELIABILITY. Messages are delivered as soon as you tap the send button. Unlike regular text messaging, you don't have to wonder if your messages have been delivered. PingChat! shows you when your message has been successfully sent and when your recipient has read the message, so you always stay connected in your conversation.

You won't need to pay your carrier for text messaging. Wi-Fi or your current data plan is all it takes to send messages. Some apps offer free texting, but are exclusive to the U.S, or support few other carriers. PingChat! is always free, even when messaging overseas and works in ANY COUNTRY in the world.

Unlike instant messengers, PingChat! is built for your smartphone. This means that you are always online and reachable. Likewise, your friends are always reachable and you don't have to wonder who you can contact and who you can't. All PingChat! messages are stored offline until received so if your phone is off or you lose your data connection, your message will be delivered to you as soon as you are reachable.

Socialize with a group of friends. PingChat! provides seamless quick group conversations, so there's no need to go back and forth between countless conversations to communicate with your entire friend circle. Send media messages directly in the group chat, too!

Send photos, videos, voice notes, contacts and map locations seamlessly directly in your conversations.

Share your social profile with your confirmed contacts, including your profile, display name and status message. We take your privacy seriously, so your social profile will only be shared with contacts that are confirmed by both you and your contact.

We'd love to hear from you:

Twitter: @pingchat
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PingChat
Email: support@pingchat.com

个点评测:刚出这款软件的时候 并不是免费的 此软件 只要注册一个ID 然后给好友发送短信彩信就可以 当然你要知道你的朋友有没有用这个软件 以及他的ID

下载链接:http://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/p ... s/id371769677?mt=8#





With Pushme.to you can exchange unlimited free messages between iPhones/iPod Touches with our app installed, plus your friends can text you for free from their computer using any browser.

??Why is it better than SMS???

? No charges per message, international or not
? Instant images send and receive on the web or iPhone/iPod Touch
?? Messages delivered on the screen but via Internet - even without network coverage with Wi-Fi
?? All messages are stored in the cloud and accessible via browser??

Why is it better than competing iPhone messengers?

??? Your buddies without iPhone can message you for free!
?? Put a widget on your site for instant contact?
? No login/logout, no user lists loading??Follow us on Facebook: http://pushme.to/fb or Twitter @pushmeto for questions or updates.

??Note: Pushme.to relies on Push Notification services to alert you in real time, you will have to have it on for the application to work.
Tip: if you have installed the app, but push notifications are not working, try rebooting the iPhone. ?

个人评测:软件刚推出时也是收费的 优点在于 可以直接用网页 进入网站 发送短信给IOS客户端 如你的ID 123 可进入 http://pushme.to/123 直接发送短信彩信给ID123的客户端 也支持网页内镶式 发送短信 如 支持用代码写成 直接放你的BLOG 给你的客户端发送信息

当然如果你用的是IOS系统 还有很多软件都可以用作短信彩信接收平台 如QQ FACEBOOK 等等有推送功能的软件都是可以用作短信彩信接收发送平台 重要的是要看你怎么用

今天暂时推荐3个短信彩信收发类软件 如果大家觉得可以 以后会推荐 如语音视频类等等软件


发表于 2010-12-15 16:34:26 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-12-16 00:04:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-17 01:25:33 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-17 21:17:59 | 显示全部楼层
对 skype 对SKYPE免费 不过还有一点就是现在的SKYPE PRO IOS不支持越狱的系统
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-22 00:57:02 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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