我现在把经历告诉大家以免后人再吃这样的亏 首先说西班牙学生签证,在英国正攵府看来不是欧盟长效签证(当然欧盟里面只有英国这样认为。谁让人家不是申根国呢!咱们也管不了) 所以必须需要过境签证
但是一定有很多人存有疑问为什么论坛上有人顺利通过? 问题就出在这里,我一再阅读了官网的要求所说拥有欧盟国家颁发的居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡就行。但是西班牙的学生居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡是欧盟国家颁发的!为什么不行呢? 重点就在这里“以下图所示 这种上面有一个牛头的蓝色卡才是英国唯一承认的。(欧盟居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡) 其他国家办理的各种别的卡英国不承认”
其次我在往返的过程中,有专门试过几次不给检测人员看我的过境签证。 只是翻到我的西班牙之前颁发的欧盟签证和学生居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡。实验证明:遇见3次查询 2次都专门去找我的过境签证 ,一次在西班牙登机的时候 查票人员开始看我给他的之前西班牙的签证 就飞快翻到我护照的后面看到我的英国过境签证 对我说 吓死我了 我以为你没这个签证呢,之后要解释给我听为什么必须。我对他说好了我知道了 你不用说了 至于第二次就是在北京机场去前台签票的时候,我有专门问前台是不是必须过境签证他告诉我是的。呵呵!
所以据我多方的查找无论是给大驶馆打电话 还是等等办法显示 只要以下2种可能不要你做过境签证
第一个 就是上面说的你有那个蓝色的牛头居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡
第二个 就是欧盟任何一个国家之前给你签的VISA还没有过期 除此之外别无他法
除非你运气好到不行 但是我建议别实验起码一张机票也很多钱呢 哈哈
最后希望大家没事别买英国航空公司的机票 虽然服务还可以 但是我们谁也不想和钱过不去是不是啊 哈哈
还有如果现在已经买了机票的人 马上就要上飞机没签证的快去签证吧
我之前就是就剩一周的时间网上预约全满了没时间了 把我都急死了 如果你也是这样的情况 别犹豫现在就去英国大驶馆询问 他们自己内部都知道什么时候放出多余的签证时间给你 让你能在最快的速度预约到签证
好了 最后没什么多说的了 祝大家一切顺利
有问题可以再次询问我 哈哈
Do I need a visa if I am passing through the UK on my way to another country?
You will need a visa to pass through (transit) the UK on the way to another country if you:
* are a visa national;
* are a direct airside transit visa (DATV) national (see below); or (我们属于此类国家)
* hold a non-national, including refugee, travel document.
Direct airside transit visa (DATV) nationals
DATV nationals are visa nationals who must have a visa to pass through the UK on their way to another country, even if they are not entering the UK or changing airports. Unless they qualify for exemption from the DATV requirement, they cannot transit without visa (TWOV). (You can get more information about DATV exemptions below.) 一般情况,我们中国护照就算在英国换机场都要签证
If you have a DATV, you will not be able to pass through UK Immigration Control, or collect any luggage on your journey through the UK. You will not usually be allowed to stay in the UK overnight to wait for a connection to continue your journey.
Am I exempt from the DATV requirement? (可以获得免签的例外情况)(但是大家不要被这个骗了 中心问题在于西班牙的学生居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡是西班牙正攵府颁发的英国不认 英国只认可上面的那个带牛头的居留(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)(本帖为www.xihua.es原创)卡)
You will be exempt from the DATV requirement and may be able to transit without visa if you hold one of the following.
* A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from another country or territory to the country for which you have the entry visa.
* A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from the country for which you have the visa to another country or territory.
* A valid airline ticket for travel through the UK as part of a journey from Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America to another country or territory, as long as you do not transit (pass through) the UK on a date more than six months after the date on which you last entered Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America with a valid visa for that country.
* A valid USA I-551 permanent resident card issued on or after 21 April 1998.
* A valid Canadian permanent resident card issued on or after 28 June 2002.
* A valid common format category D visa for entry to an EEA state – see our 'EEA and Swiss nationals' leaflet for a list of EEA states.
* A valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state under Council Regulation (EC) number 1030/2002.
* A diplomatic or service passport issued by the People’s Republic of China.
* A diplomatic or official passport issued by India.
* A diplomatic or official passport issued by Vietnam.