Oxford旧释:"the condition of being a husband or wife" 「结为丈夫及妻子的状况」
Oxford新释:在原有释义中加上「两个人缔结婚姻的关係」( "the relation between persons married to each other"),并附註「有时这词会用於形容一对同性伴侣的长久关係」( "the term is now sometimes used with reference to long-term relationships between partners of the same sex".)
Macmillan旧释:「由两个人分别为丈夫及妻子组成的关係」( "The relationship between two people who are husband and wife.")
Macmillan新释:在原有释义加上「或一段由同性伴侣组成的类似关係」( “or a similar relationship between people of the same sex.”)
Collins旧释:「一男一女以丈夫及妻子的身份共同生活,组成合法结合或盟约」( "the legal union or contract made by a man and a woman to live as husband and wife" )
Collins新释:「由两个人一起生活而组成的合法结合或盟约」( "the legal union or contract made by two people to live together"