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[madrid] 上汽集团招销售经理

发表于 2023-11-6 18:49:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单位名称: 上汽集团
招聘职位: 销售经理
工作地点: Pozuelo
税后月薪: 2500欧元以上
年假期: 30天
带薪度假: 单薪(一年13个月薪水)
其它福利: bonus, private insurance, company car, ticket restaurant...
社会保险: 8个小时
招聘人数: 1
性别: 男女不限
年龄: 25-45
学历: 大学
居留要求: 工作居留 家庭居留 
西语水平: C1
联系人: Zhang
电话: 604369501
邮箱: [email protected]
Position: Sales Manager
Country: Spain
Work Location: Pozuelo, Madrid
Department/Team: Sales
Purpose of role: Develop MG market opportunities and sales for MGin Spain

Develop awareness for the MG brand in the area.
Negotiate annual/quarterly/monthly sales targets withdistributors.
Build sales plans with the dealers and managedistributors to achieve Sales target.
Handle administrative tasks such as weekly report,forecasts, or marketing plans.
Manage the CRM system and sales reports.
Visit dealers and promote the sales.
Business development of dealers.
Collaborating with logistics and other department toboost the sales in the country.

Minimum 3 years of experience in sales areas with relevant networkand achievement in automotive industry.
Proficient level in English and Spanish. Chinese is a must.
Hands-on experience in CRM.
Able to work independently and with team.
Result-oriented with excellent communication and interpersonalskills in multi-cultural teams.
Must be able to work independently: self-starter
Have a Spanish driving license.

请把中英西三语简历发送到邮箱[email protected],请勿致电!谢谢!

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