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楼主: 张琴


发表于 2008-8-25 12:18:26 | 显示全部楼层


Kill [url=http://itsale.com/Buy%20World%20of%20Warcraft-US%20GOLD.html]wow gold[/url] the group in the back in the same manner but don’t waste your vanish. Two rogues shouls make extremely short work of both mobs. Heal up, wait for your curses and such to fade and get ready for some big packs.

The problem with the next pull is that you have 6 mobs to deal with. If the two ‘inside mobs’ are both Pyromancers, dump this pull and reset. The only way you can continue is to reset, fight 4 elits at the same time or kill a couple, die and come back to an easier pull. In any other case, you want to sap ‘inside mob1′ or wow gold inside mob2′. [url=http://itsale.com/Power.068.Age%20of%20Conan%20-%20EU.aspx]wow gold[/url] If one of them is a pyromancer, don’t sap it, sap the other one and have your partner sap one of the other mobs in sapped mob’s group. See this diagram.

Kill the unsapped pyromancer and vanish.

The duo strat is complicated. You will find that there are several configurations to deal with. I prefer to solo but I make a [url=http://itsale.com/Cheap.065.Age%20of%20Conan%20-%20US.aspx]wow gold[/url] ton of money if I duo all of the mobs.
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发表于 2008-8-30 12:08:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-1 21:24:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-10-9 09:25:03 | 显示全部楼层
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