Well, have you heard about the painter, Vincent van Gogh
Who loved colour and who let it show?
And in the museum, what have we here?
The most soulful since old Jan Vermeer
And he loved, he loved life so bad
His paintings had twice the colour other paintings had
So bad that the world had to know
The man loved colour and he let it show
In the Amsterdam museum I was feeling low
And looking for a way to get back my soul
I felt the feeling in the room was that
Vincent van Gogh he loved life so hard
And he loved, he loved life with passion
His paintings said things that don't get said in that fashion
So bad that the world had to know
He loved colour and have you?
have you heard about the painter, I mean Vincent van Gogh
Who loved colour and who let it show?
And in the museum, what have we here?
The baddest painter since old Jan Vermeer
And he loved, he loved life so bad
His paintings had twice the colour other paintings had
So bad that the world had to know
He loved colour and he let it show