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GROOVE COVERAGE唱的实况9歌曲I Need You Vs I Need You --非常好听

发表于 2006-4-2 23:40:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I Need You Vs I Need You

Strophe I

I know there's somethin´in your eyes,
I know there's somethin´in your smile,
makes me feel like loosin´all my thoughts tonight,
Baby. Everyday I read between the lines,
every night I'm searching for your signs.
You belong to heaven's gate,
angel of hope …

Strophe II

So many things I failed to do…
One thousand miles I'd run for you,
you're still the only one I ever need, Baby!
Everyday I read between the lines,
every night I'm waiting for your signs.
You belong to heaven's gate,
angel of hope …


I need you, you're always on my mind.
That's all you left behind, my love will last
eternally …

I need you, like no one else before
You're all that I adore, my love will last
eternally … I need you …



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