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Facebook scandals continue, changing skins for rebirth?

发表于 2022-3-23 02:53:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Recently, various problems and scandals have emerged on Facebook.
The incident happened in January of 2021. At the time, Alon Gal, co-founder of Israeli cybercrime intelligence firm Hudson Rock, noticed that hackers had exploited a vulnerability in a phone number associated with a Facebook account to create a huge database of private data. Nearly three months later, Gale discovered on April 3 that an anonymous user on a "low-level hacking forum" had uploaded a database that included the phone numbers, residential addresses, phone numbers, and addresses of more than 533 million Facebook users. Personal information such as email addresses.
Information leaks are nothing new for Facebook. As early as 2018, Facebook was fined $5 billion by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for obtaining the personal data of more than 87 million users “through improper means.” But this time, things were a little bigger.
In addition to Zuckerberg, the personal information of Facebook co-founders Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz were also leaked, Business Insider added.
Facebook employees are gradually losing confidence in the company's leadership, with less than half responding positively to their desire to stay, an internal survey showed. The internal survey, called "Pulse," is conducted twice a year to gauge the mood of the company's employees. And the latest findings show that Facebook is facing a potential employee "flight" after a series of crises.
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