发表于 2012-3-1 23:32:59
Rue de Médicis Rue de Vaugirard 75006 PARIS
Metro : Odéon
Bus : 21,27,38,58,82,83,84,85 ou 89
Open: 07:30-21:30
卢森堡公园占地百顷,有巨大的梧桐大道与图案的花园、喷泉,以及许多上古智者的雕像,还有一个皇帝的别宫卢森堡宫(Palais du Luxembourg),目前卢森堡宫是国会议员的宿舍。由于卢森堡宫今日已成为参议院所以管制略为严谨,公园的开放时间亦为复杂,就是说差不多早上8点左右开放,至夏季6月最晚在晚上9点30分,而冬季12月则最早在下午4点30分关门,依此类推每15天换一次时间。 在法皇昂利4世逝去后,皇后玛丽德梅德西斯(Marie de Medicis)就无法在罗浮宫中找到生活的乐趣,因思乡情怯而决定另盖一个与家乡多斯康(Toscane)类似的皇宫,就这样这座灵感来自于义大利佛罗伦斯彼堤宫(Palais Pitti)的皇家花园就此于1625年诞生。当然现今所看到的公园是经过扩建及整修,加上适度地维护才有如此宜人闲暇的风貌,而成为巴黎左岸人士遛达慢跑的最爱,如果你还保有一份童心的话,这里有免费的玩偶剧场不可错过。公园中鞅的池塘周围总是围绕许多学生和年青人,不论看书、闲聊,或是野餐、小憩,充满闲情活力。池塘周围众多雕像中,有一个自由女神像,虽然比当初法国送美国的略逊一筹,但也为卢森堡公园增添一桩美谈。
15, rue de Vaugirard 75006 PARIS
Metro: Saint Sulpice
RER: Luxembourg
Bus: 58, 84, 89
Open: Tours on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays morning and afternoon. To be reserved?
Each visit lasts 1h30. Sunday close
卢森堡宫建于1615年。原为法国皇家后殿,是按照亨利四世的妃子玛丽•梅迪西斯的故乡意大利的托斯卡纳风格修建的。近200年来,卢森堡宫一直是法国的政治机构所在地。现在是作为参议院(Le Sénat)在使用。
Le Pantheon (先贤祠, 万神庙)
Place du Pantheon 75005 Paris
Metro: Cardinal-Lemoine
RER: Luxembourg
Ticket: 7e, 优惠 5,5e
Open/Closed: 10h--17h45 in summer, 10h--17h15 in winter, 18岁以下及10月到3月期间每月第一个星期天免费
因为法皇路易15世于1744年生重病时所许下的承诺,而将原本已半毁坏的圣洁娜维耶修道院(L'Abbaye Ste-Genevieve)重建成教堂,直到法国大革命时才重新命名成为存放国家重要人物骨灰的先贤祠,因为位于山丘顶的地理优势,进来参观者别忘了登上那唯一可以俯瞰巴黎的楼梯,将会有另一个霍然的发现。万神庙正面模仿罗马万神庙,入口上方有法国祖国女神为伟人戴桂冠的浮雕,目前万神庙中安息的名人有伏尔泰、雨果、左拉、卢骚等,为了让他们不受打扰,万神庙的圆顶塔楼只让少许光线进入,以免强光干扰往者清宁。神庙中有一幅巨大的油画,画的是法国历代皇帝的肖像,非常珍贵。
Museum & Monuments pass
6, place Paul Painlevé 75005 PARIS
Metro : Cluny La Sorbonne
RER : Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Bus : 21, 27, 38, 63, 85, 86, 87
Open: 9:15-17:45,Tuesday and holidays closed
Cash desk closes at : 5.15pm
位于罗马公共浴池遗迹上的克鲁尼美术馆,内容皆是中世纪重要的画作及工艺、雕刻品,特别「妇人与独角兽」(La Dame a la Licorne)一画。
La Sorbonne (索邦大学)
Rue de la Sorbonne
Metro: Cluny-La Sorbonne
Open: 8:00-22:00
法国最着名的大学之一,也是欧洲最古老的学校之一,索邦大学当初是一位名叫Robert de Sorbon的神父,于1255年在路易九世支持下,买下这个建筑物,而于1258年为16个学生教授神学,后来成为神学研究中心,而为索邦大学的前身。来到这里,不妨进入索邦大学中庭,瞻仰一下法国知识殿堂的气氛,从索邦教堂(Eglise de la Sorbonne)旁的索邦广场上,找一家咖啡店坐下来,看着往来的学生行人,也可以感受拉丁区气氛!
Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院)
6, Place du Parvis de Notre-Dame 75004 Paris
Metro: Cite
RER: St.Michel Notre-Dame
Ticket: 教堂免费,钟楼7e, 优惠4,5e
Open: 8:00~14:45, Saturday 12:30~14:00, 钟楼: 1 Oct -- 31 Mars , 10--17:30h
备注 18岁以下及10月到3月期间每月第一个星期天免费
St-Severin (圣赛芙韩教堂)
1, rue des Prêtres-Saint-Séverin 75005 PARIS
RER : B-D Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Open: Monday to saturday : 11.00am - 7.30pm, On sunday : 9.00am - 8.30pm, Sunday services : 10.00am, 12.00am, 6.00pm, 7.30pm
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 1 May, 8 May, Ascension Day,
hitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November, 25 December
4, boulevard du Palais 75001 PARIS
Metro: Cité
RER: Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Bus: 21, 27, 38, 85, 96 et Balabus
25december close
Open: From 1st March to 30th October : 9.30am - 6pm. From 1st November to
8th February : 9am-5pm.
Cash desk closes at : Last admission 30 minutes before the closing of the monument
Ticket : 6.10 Euros, 4.10 Euros : large families, teachers, 18-25 years old.
Combined tickets : combined ticket : Conciergerie + Sainte Chapelle : 9 Euros. reduced
price : 6 Euros. Professionnels et groupes : 6,50 Euros.
Museum & Monuments pass
Marais/Les Halles (PARIS 01)
1, quai de l'Horloge 75001 PARIS
Metro: Cité
RER: Saint-Michel Notre Dame
Bus: 21, 24, 27, 38, 58, 81, 85, Balabus
Open: .From 1st March to 30th October : 9.30am - 6pm. From 1st November to 28th February : 9am-5pm.
Architectural styles : Gothic
Collection : History, Textiles, Architecture, Documents, Technology
14th century
This important vestige of the Capetian Palace is a remarkable testimony of the civil architecture of the 14th century : the Guard room and the kitchens. The lower part of the Palace was mainly turned into a jail during the 15th century ; you may visit the dungeons (in particular Queen Marie-Antoinette's) and also discover memories of the French Revolution.
Hôtel de Ville de Ville (市政厅)
Mairie de Paris Place de l'Hôtel de Ville 75004 PARIS
Metro: Hotel de Ville
RER: Châtelet-Les Halles
Open/Closed : Regular temporary and free of charge exhibitions on the thema of the city of Paris.
Free : For everyone Saturday and Sunday close
Entrance at 29, rue de Rivoli. Every day except on Sundays and bank holidays.
Telf: 01-42 76 50 46
Fax: 01-42 76 62 30
Architectural styles : Neo renaissance style
Collection : History, Painting, Private reception rooms, Reception halls,19th century
Seat of the Paris City Council. The first municipality was founded in 1246 (Saint-Louis).
Nowadays, the Paris City Hall is located on the site of the former city hall which burnt down in 1871 during the "Commune" of Paris.
Architects : Ballu, Deperthes.
市政厅Hotel de ville经常举行免费的展览,去年三星堆的青铜器就在这里免费展出,我看了都舍不得走,更不用说那些法国人了。
The museum and monument pass
Place Georges Pompidou 75004 PARIS
Metro: Hôtel de Ville
RER: A-B-D Chatelet-Les-Halles
Bus: 21, 29, 38, 47, 58, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 81, 85, 96
Ticket: Museum + temporary exhibitions + Espace 315 : 7
The museum and monument pass
Hotel Salé 5, rue de Thorigny 75003 PARIS
Metro: Saint Paul
RER: Chaelet-les-Halles
Bus: 29, 69, 75, 96
Ticket: 6.5e,优惠及周日4.5e
Open/Closed: 1st April - 30 Sept: 9.30am - 6pm.1er Oct - 31 March: 9.30am - 5.30pm. 星期二关门
Works by the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso given to the State after his death. Own collection of the artist.
The private mansion "Salé" was built between 1656 and 1659. Architect : Jean de Bourges.
在此之前,这里是于17世纪由国家监仓包稅人皮耶奧百德冯特內(Pierre Aubert de Fontenay)所建造的豪宅府邸,也曾是巴黎专业艺术学院。于1985年辟建成立著名的毕加索博物馆(Musee Picasso),在这里收集了许多他的画作及雕刻作品,总计是203幅油画、158件雕刻作品、陶瓷器88件、素描1500件、版画1600幅。除此之外,还有毕加索的亲笔原稿,编有他的插图的书籍,除此之外还一部份为大师生平所收藏的帕尔哥(Braque)卢梭(Rousseau)米罗(Miro)及雷诺瓦(Renoir)等人的画作。此外视听室內还会播放关于毕加索一生事迹的影片,让你可以了解画家的人生就如他的画作一样精采。在这里你也可以买到毕加索名画的复制品、画册、书及相关物品。
23, rue de Sévigné 75003 PARIS
Metro: Chemin Vert
Bus: 29, 69, 76, 96
Open: 10am - 6pm. Closed Monday and certain bank holidays.
Cash desk closes at : 5.30pm
重溫巴黎歷史要花上至少半天時間,這裏由羅馬時代開始,展示巴黎的歷史繪畫、遺蹟、模型及大量由 17至 20世紀初的室內陳設。它沒有羅浮宮、奧塞博物館的赫赫名聲,卻容易親近,令遊人可以親身感受到巴黎不同時代的氛圍與重大歷史事件的關係。例如路易十五時代的沙龍陳設、世紀末新藝術風格等,我們都聽得多,仿製品也有不少,但博物館可以將 La Joaillerie Fouquet珠寶店的新藝術風格裝飾展示,這種貼近生活的城市歷史,比人人朝聖的《蒙羅麗莎》更有觀賞樂趣。
The Place des Vosges (浮日广场)
Metro line 1, 5 or 8 : Bastille, St-Paul or Breguet Sabin
Opening: 10 am - 5.40 pm, Closed on mondays and bank holidays
History: Henry IV developped this marshy land on the right bank opposite the Ile Saint Louis, into what is known today as the Place des Vosges. Parcelled out under Louis Xlll, he had a fine square built here. Undertaken Henry IV ordered this square designed after Catherine de Médicis vision combining cut stones. In 1612, it was officially inaugurated for the wedding of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. Covered by a steep roof pierced by dormer windows, the center of the southern fa鏰de stood the King's House facing and the Queen's on the northern side.
A number of other popular faces lived on Place des Vosges, notably Richelieu, Madame de Sévigné, Bossuet (Nr. 17), Alphonse Daudet, who was in Nr. 21, two-storey after, the nephews of Richelieu lived there. Victor Hugo had his apartments in house Nr. 6 from 1832 to 1848. The city of Paris eventually bought his house and turned it into the Musée Victor Hugo of which can be visited. Hugo wrote a large part of Les Misérables here. It is also there that Victor Hugo was named a member of the Academie Fran鏰ise, and was elected deputy and became a peer. He received many visitors such as famous writers Merimée, Dumas, Balzac, Lamartine, and many more.
Nowadays: Many Parisians consider Place des Vosges as one of the most beautiful plazas in the city. In the center of the Place, there is a statue of Louis XIII which dates back to 1825. This replaces the original that was a reminder of the anti-aristocratic fury of the revolution. At the Place des Vosges, you will find many shops, cafés and restaurants. And for the window shoppers, don't forget to take a look at the fine antique stores, and the book and record shops. Ever since it was thoroughly renovated, with restaurants in all categories offering lunch and dinner or simply drinks. Window shoppers will find the antique stores, the book and record shops, or the boutiques nested in the arcade to be most inviting. Weather permitting, one can take a nap in the public gardens.
Some of the pavillions may be visited :
* Le Pavillon du Roi
* L'Hotel de Chaulnes
* Le Palais Mexaris
* L'Hotel de Rohan-Guéméné in which sits Victor-Hugo's museum.
此座廣場是法王亨利四世, 於1612年被暗殺之前所建, 原先命名?”皇家廣場”, 之後在拿破侖時期, ?了表揚浮日地區人民繳稅的實績而改名?”浮日”廣場. 以其特殊建築風格 (周圍由36棟原始建築組合而成, 圍繞著四方形大院子)和在中庭公園矗立之路易十三騎馬銅像著稱.
孚日广场的东北,有一座由民房改建的博物馆Musee Carnavalet,也是不用买票的,曾经在里面看到过一张大革命后的市政厅的照片,整个建筑被炮弹打得千疮百孔,法国人的修复能力真是令人惊叹。
Maison de Victro Hugo (雨果故居)
Maison de Victro Hugo (雨果故居)
Metro: Saint Paul
Open: 10h—18h, Monday closed
玛莱区是巴黎城市改造后唯一保存的城区。坐一号线地铁在St Paul车站出来向前走,经过St Paul-St Louis教堂,在路的左侧,有一家古老的旅馆Hotel de Sully,穿过它之后,就是孚日广场la Place des Vosges,这个封闭的小广场,回廊环绕,充满了宁静的生活气息,广场的东南角,就是雨果故居Maison de Victro Hugo,可以免费参观。看到雨果收藏的许多中国瓷器,真是有亲切地感觉。
L'Opera de la Bastille (巴士底歌剧院)
L'Opera de la Bastille (巴士底歌剧院)
Place de la Bastille 75012 PARIS
Metro: Bastille
RER: Gare de Lyon
Bu : 20, 29, 65, 69, 76, 86, 87, 91
Open: Informations and reservation : 00 33836697868 (2.23 per minute). Also closed during rehearsals in the morning and on special events.
Guided visit only : 10am, 1pm, 5.30pm, and by appointment.
Saturday close
Open on those public holidays : Easter, Easter Monday, 8 May, Ascension Day, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November
Guided tour : Call the Opera to get the timetable of the visits. Tickets on sale 30 mn before the visit.
Ticket: 8 Euros. Reduced rate for children under 16, students, retired, unemployed.
-26 yrs : 5 Euros.
10 Euros
原址介于里昂路(Rue de Lyon)与夏朗唐路(Rue de Charenton)之间的万森旧车站,1985年在前法国总统密特郎(Francois Mitterrand)的主张下拆除,让出这片广大土地由建筑师卡洛斯欧特(Carlos Ott)设计,在这极富历史意义的巴士底广场(Place de la Bastille)上,建造一所属于大众通俗的新型歌剧院,并特地选在法国国庆200周年,也就是1989年7月14日当天正式开幕。
这个由卡洛斯欧特(Carlos Ott)设计的新歌剧院新潮而不失庄重,地上8层地下层,外表由镜子般的玻璃帏幕所构成,大理石柱廊是深黑灰色的。
为了与古典的巴黎加尼耶歌剧院(L'Opera de Paris-Palais Garnier)区分并意谓其取代作用,除了造型上突显的现代几何圆柱形之外,以金属及大型透明窗户合成的外观则有连接里外空间的作用,剧院大厅可容纳2,700位观众,而多重功能性的舞台设施是它傲人之处。不过起初它的命运亦难逃像其他前卫建筑物所遭受到的评击,都是要等到最后完工起用数年之后,得到人们实质的印证,大家才不得不赞叹它的壮丽美观与实用价值。