楼主 |
发表于 2013-5-11 20:43:41
Cati 发表于 2013-5-11 17:40
第一,欧洲的小学开始时间和中国是不同的,比如中国是6岁半以后入学,很多孩子上小学的时候已经7岁多了,在 ...
根据网络上wikipedia的资料,德国的孩子根不同地方的规定,在6-10岁进入小学。而德国的孩子是两年后才学算数。(请查google "Germany - Preprimary & Primary Education"
At the age of six, children begin Grundschule (elementary school), typically holding colorful paper cones filled with candy and treats to assuage the pangs of leaving home to go to school. Children who turn six by June 30 must begin schooling in the fall, provided they are found physically and developmentally ready. For the first two years, teachers do not grade schoolwork, but instead provide evaluations of their pupils' strengths and weaknesses. In the upper grades, a numerical system is used: one means very good, two good, three satisfactory, four passing, and five not passing. The school week may be as short as 20 hours in the early grades, but it gradually increases in length. Pupils study German and mathematics every day, supplemented by two class periods per week in science, religion, physical education, and art or music.