![](https://xihua.es/data/attachment/forum/202112/07/170117n9f3kzuzfjdouuz3.gif) 这是我刚才在另外一个论坛上无意中看到的,虽然留言者是在美国,但是说的内容,好像在我们身边也经常能看到。当然了,也不能说一竿子打翻一船人,但是还是觉得应该转来给各位MM们看一下,希望以后选择配偶的时候能慎重一点,并且自重一些。
前几天纯属无聊,去看朋友在facebook上加入的群体,有一个叫"asian girls who love white guys",因好奇进去看看,其中有一个帖子叫“Why do Asian chix hate themselves??”,想看看这年头的(我说粗话我该死)都写些什么狗屎东西,所以又进去看了:
Semms like they wanna erase every trace of chinese/ vietnamese heritage.
I barly see any china girls saying proudly: I'm Chinese! You do not have to feel embarrassed by William Hung, cause he's tha best ya dig?
No matter what, ur still a chink. NOT WHITE! Yea ur American okay, so am I. But ur still a chink, no matter ur chin/viet/ jap/ flip whatever...
Max Crest (Orlando, FL) wroteon April 21, 2009 at 4:20pm
Asian women are the lowest and most pathetic race of women in the world because they are so willing to sellout their race, culture and country and are such self haters of their race and men. I find it absolutely hilarious. No other race of women in the world is like this, NONE. And thats why us white men actually laugh behind their backs when they are busy sucking our cocks like whores and wiping our asses whenever we tell them to while we dangle green cards and 1 dollar bills above their heads which is what keeps them kneeling down to us like the mongrel dogs they are.
Have you ever heard an Indian or Arab woman say they prefer white men and say they hate their own men the same way Asian women do? The Answer is no. I have a very hard time trying to get Indian and Arab women because they are so fiercely proud of their ethnicity and men. But Asian women are the easiest race of women to get like pieces of meat and xxx. THATS why white men like xxxing asian women, easy, easy sex
It also makes them very, very proud to show off their white boyfriends/husbands to everyone around them too, especially other asians. I should know i have dated several asian woman. We white men are also proud to show off our asian girlfriends too, because my male friends know i am getting easy pussy and she my sucking my dick, doing my cooking and cleaning and doing everything i tell her to do like a 1950s housewife who is obedient and subservient to her man, because these are things white women will not do for men nowadays!
No other race of women in the world is no pathetic and sad that they are so willing to sellout their race, culture, heritage and their own asian men so they can marry us white men and get a green card and 10 U.S dollars a week which is like hitting the jackpot compared to the income from the asian country they are from.
Nothing will stop a twenty something year old gold digging Asian whore from getting with even a very old white man and letting us xxx their tight pussy and flat tits for the rest of their lives
I am so glad white women don’t have these bizarre and xxxed up identity issues and self hate for their own race that these asian women sluts for white men have, because I still love my white women and think they are still far, far superior to these asian whores who sleep with white men for money, green cards and self-hate racism. Asian women are good for a good cheap xxx, a low quality blowjob and a nice tight easy pussy you can get whenever you want, buts that’s it. Enjoy it while it lasts gentlemen.