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发表于 2013-12-19 17:07:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


Record outdoor radiation level that ‘can kill in 20 min’ detected at Fukushima



Workers check a transport container and a crane in preparation for the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the spent fuel pool inside the No.4 reactor building at the Tokyo Electric Power Corp's (TEPCO) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in Fukushima (Reuters / Kimimasa Mayama / Pool)


Outdoor radiation levels have reached their highest at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant,warns the operator company.Radiation found in an area near a steel pipe that connects reactor buildings could kill an exposed person in 20 minutes,local media reported.


The plant’s operator and the utility responsible for the clean-up Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) detected record radiation levels on a duct which connects reactor buildings and the 120 meter tall ventilation pipe located outside on Friday. TEPCO measured radiation at eight locations around the pipe with the highest estimated at two locations - 25 Sieverts per hour and about 15 Sieverts per hour, the company said.


This is the highest level ever detected outside the reactor buildings, according to local broadcaster NHK. Earlier TEPCO said radiation levels of at least 10 Sieverts per hour were found on the pipe.



The ventilation pipe used to conduct radioactive gasses after the nuclear disaster may still contain radioactive substances, TEPCO added.


The earthquake in March 2011 triggered a tsunami that hit Japan’s coast, damaging the Fukushima Daiichi plant and causing the meltdown of three nuclear reactors. The crippled reactors burnt through the concrete basement while the water used to cool them has been leaking into the soil and contaminating the ground water on the premises of the nuclear facility. The radioactive water stored at the site has been seeping into the Pacific Ocean.


The water leakage has raised health concerns among Japan’s neighbors. For instance, South Korea has been testing fish caught off the country's coast, according to the country’s fisheries ministry.

Meanwhile, the chairwoman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission assured that the radioactive water will reach the US West coast at safe levels.



“The highest amount of radiation that will reach the U.S. is two orders of magnitude - 100 times - less than the drinking water standard,” Allison Macfarlane said in Tokyo on Friday as cited by Bloomberg. “So, if you could drink the salt water, which you won’t be able to do, it’s still fairly low.”

“这些到达美国的污水的放射量比我们平时饮用水的标准辐射量低两个数量级,也就是100倍”艾立森 麦克法兰说“所以即使你直接饮用海水也是相当安全的,尽管没人会这么做。”


Currently 400 tons of contaminated water is being produced at the site on a daily basis. In an attempt to solve the storage problem the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) proposed on Wednesday to consider dumping toxic water into the ocean after lowering the level of radioactive materials.

"Regarding the growing amounts of contaminated water at the site, TEPCO should... examine all options for its further management, including the possibility of resuming controlled discharges (into the sea) in compliance with authorized limits," the IAEA said in a statement.



TEPCO has been testing a high-tech water processing machine called ALPS, which can remove all radioactive materials from the water except tritium. However, the low-energy isotope is considered to be less dangerous than other radioactive isotopes such as caesium and strontium, also contained in the tainted water.





Marko Balažic 08.12.2013 20:22

"The highest amount of radiation that will reach the U.S. is two orders of magnitude - 100 times"

My god but its still f***** radiation...are you serius xS



Jere 08.12.2013 20:42

The Russian nuclear reactor explosion at Chernobyl, is still effecting Ukraine and it's people.


NNN1147 08.12.2013 21:13

There is still the risk, albeit remote, that Tokyo might get contaminated (!) This is remote, but still a risk. And if triggered the Japanese are NOT prepared for the exodus, as ever, they are Olympic Champions in swiping reality under the carpet of illusion, they learned well from the CIA Killers. Despite Pearl Harbor.


paul Floody 08.12.2013 21:14

It's all OK ,the chairwoman from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the US says it is safe. You can all go back to sleep now. Just don,t eat fish or swim too much . Nobody trust their governments any more, what ever they say you can bank on it as being the opposite.



John McMurrough Kavanagh 08.12.2013 21:33

A late consequence of the tsunami is that a new volcanic atoll has appeared above the ocean surface a few nautical miles south east of Japan. Instead of dumping into the sea, might this caldera not be a useful disposal site? One ship and a heavy helicopter would do the job admirably.


will 08.12.2013 21:47

...for all the danger this poses for the west coast....where are the emergency crews ...from all over the world. Polluting the ocean, our food supply, is not the best solution.

where is Greenpeace 'cowboys'.. they should be out near the disaster 'protesting'---but no. Oh yes they are protesting russias oil rigs! Or are they protesting from the comfort of their homes (heated by nat gas), and warm suvs they drive(that run on gas and oil)...what a scam outfit



hamunaptrah 08.12.2013 22:16

How true...and remember just a few years ago it was GREENPEACE getting behind Nuclear Energy as the Clean Energy Alternative because it didn't emit CO2....they have lost all credibility.



Iqbal Halani 08.12.2013 21:48

The political devils have got promoted and reached the top at TEPCO, it must be the institutional culture there. They have to now hire an engineer CEO from Honda,Toyota,etc to take over. That they did not not have a tsunami/earthquake proof fail safe electric supply at ground level beggars belief, when they can engineer 100 story skyscrapers to macarena with a 9.5 Richter earthquake?!!



hamunaptrah 08.12.2013 22:12

In the US and Canada have stopped and even altered Radiation test results, removed sensors altogether and have stopped posting on their websites.

Japan has issued a Media Blackout but this will not stop the people taking things into their own hands with websites like fukushimaupdate and action groups inside Japan and now spreading around the world.

The fact that the Japanese Government still allows TEPCO to exist shows serious problems in Japan's Government which the people must force to be addressed any way possible.




Tyson Weinhoffer 08.12.2013 22:28

Yes dumping it into the ocean is a great way to get rid of it, idiots. The people need to come together from all over the globe and rid this fragile earth of all forms of nuclear energy until humans are smart enough to safely utilize it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! It makes me so angry .. Where does everyone think nuclear waste goes?? We cant even deal with the worlds GARBAGE let alone NUCLEAR WASTE


yokomoto 08.12.2013 22:54

My fellow countrymen ,please use a little imagination. Im sure you can solve this problem there are more than one way to do it.Among others you could use commercial ice makers turning the radioactive water to ice cubes and transport it in the frozen state to a safe disposal site in Japan and don't make this horrible problem into everyones by contaminating the Pacfic Ocean.



This is the most rebellious idea I've ever heard. They should dump it in the ocean, forget the sharks. Would you rather have it in a volcano and then it explodes and gets every where NO ICE CUBES ok



 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-19 17:07:57 | 显示全部楼层

please no icecubes i dont want to drink it in my soda when i watch the Olympics


Great idea then we could tow the huge irradiated Ice bergs to the Arctic and leave them there.


britishgoose 08.12.2013 23:23
Japan it is now time to ask other countries for help, you will not be dis-honored, but many minds are better than 1


Dami 08.12.2013 23:29
Th is comment made me laugh


Jason Bedard 09.12.2013 01:06
This is not good when for over 2 years this site has been spewing radiation of all kinds unchecked. Now they want to dump more into the ocean. Enough is enough. Drop a 50 megaton Tsar bomb on the site and be done with it.


Connie 09.12.2013 01:29
The sole reason the village idiots in the US Government acts unconcerned is because they are concentrating all their meagre mental energies on Iran's nuclear power, oblivious to the fact that the entire West Coast of the US may have to be evacuated.

美国正攵府对自己的愚人村行为漠不关心的唯一原因是因为他们集中所有他们微薄的精神力在伊朗核能源上了, 忽视事实,整个美国的西海岸可能都要疏散。

Gerd 09.12.2013 02:02
Are the Japanese adicted to radiation since Ngasaki/Hiroshima ?? May the US westcoast gets Karma now like a boomerang too.



siyousyanamae 09.12.2013 13:40
Cs-134/137 detected from 71% of Japan Tobacco Inc. burley tobacco produced in 2013 / 98% of them were shipped for sale
December 8th, 2013 Fukushima Diary


Cesiu m-134/137 were detected from 71% (104 of 146 samples) of burley tobacco produced in 2013, according to Japan Tobacco Inc.
The samples were collected from Fukushima.
The highest reading was 185.6 Bq/Kg (Cs-134 : 62.6 Bq/Kg, Cs-137 : 123 Bq/Kg).
The safety standard of Japan Tobacco Inc. is 100 Bq/Kg (In total of Cs-134 and Cs-137).

据鈤本烟草公司称,2013年批次生产的细纤维烟草71%(104/146样本)被检测出Cesiu m-134/137。

Connie Keiser 09.12.2013 14:30
They lie the pacific ocean is diseased and dying from this mess. The Canadian herring fleet came back with 0 0 0 herring a complete bust. Quit being lied to we are in serious trouble here. They have already found radiation in the cows of California. That means the whole food source is contaminated. Poor California. And it is moving this way!


Ryan DiGaetano 09.12.2013 15:30
I read a story from a sailor who said the pacific is a wasteland now. Giant islands of garbage and debris, and the entire herring population radiated.


Paul Lozancich 10.12.2013 03:44
Everyone, please appeal to the Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Canadian and US govts to hold a meeting of their top nuclear scientists to deal with this crisis. Call in any other experts from the EU, Australia, India, etc. They have to figure a way of stopping the production & dumping of radioactive water in the Pacific before it becomes a completely dead ocean. They must also solve the meltdown underway at some of the reactors. I don't believe we are getting the full story. The damage is much greater that what's reported.

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